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Suzy Couture

Hi there and welcome to my website! If you are buying or selling, you know how doing so CAN BE ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT DECISIONS YOU WILL EVER MAKE. My goal is simple: to make the process one that is a POSITIVE one for you. One that when you walk away, you’ll find yourself in a better place. One where you feel content closing one chapter of your life and beginning another with no regrets. This process can be stressful. I’ve been there. I’ve done it. Both personally, and professionally. I’ve …

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Give Your Rooms the Royal Treatment

Give Your Rooms the Royal Treatment

Nothing upgrades a wall like topping it off with beautiful crown molding. Whether you’re adding elegant curves, farmhouse-style flat-boards, or craftsman millwork, adding that crowning touch turns traditional walls into luxurious architectural statements. And don’t...

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Some Healthy Vegetables to Add to Your Diet

Some Healthy Vegetables to Add to Your Diet

Eating healthy doesn't have to be hard. An easy way to improve the nutrients in your diet and stay healthy is to incorporate more vegetables into your diet. Here are four healthy vegetables to add to your diet today: Squash The butternut squash is a seasonable...

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